GS 2019 is grateful to announce this year’s guest speaker…
Fr. Nick Meisl!
Fr. Nick was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Vancouver in 2013. Before ordination, he spent several years in formation with the Missionary of Charity Fathers, serving in various ministries in Tijuana, Mexico City and Rome. During this time, he obtained his S.T.B. from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas. He has served in several parishes in Surrey and Richmond. You can find Fr. Nick teaching at St. Mark’s College and Corpus Christi College in UBC.
Fr. Nick is excited to join this year’s GS, he would like to encourage us to live our lives rooted in God’s Word by sharing the complexity and beauty of the Bible.
To learn more about this year’s guest speaker you can check out his blog and twitter!