Register Now!

    Early-bird Rate (Payment Received by July 30, 2017)
    Regular Rate (Payment Received after July 30, 2017)

    Student / Non-Working Adult



    Working Adult



    * Amount above are in Canadian Dollars (CAD$)
    * Students must show a valid student ID upon request

    * Required Fields

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Primary Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) *

    Secondary Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)

    E-mail Address *

    Street Address *

    City *

    Province/State *

    Postal/Zip Code (x0x0x0 or xxxxx) *

    Gender *

    Camp Fee*

    How many years have you been to WCCCLC? *

    Were you referred by anyone? If Yes, please indicate who below (newcomers ONLY):

    Age * (must be 17 years of age by September 1, 2017)

    Are you a Catholic? *

    Which parish do you belong to? (If Applicable)
    If Other, please specify:

    Language Preference (for group sharing) *

    T-Shirt Size *

    What transportation method would you prefer to/from camp? *
    CMCC: Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church (5771 Granville Ave, Richmond, BC)
    SFX: St. Francis Xavier Church (438 Great Northern Way, Vancouver, BC)
    CC: Corpus Christi Parish (6350 Nanaimo Street, Vancouver, BC)

    If you have your own ride and you volunteer to share your ride with other campers, please indicate how many more people you can take with you:

    Are you interested in helping out in any of the following areas? (You may select more than one category.)
    ReaderAltar Server
    SingingMusical Instruments
    PhotographyAudio/Video ProductionFirst AidHouse ParentHospitalitySetup/CleanupArts and CraftsGroup FacilitatorMC

    WCCCLC may publish pictures taken by our official photographers of WCCCLC 2017 onto our website, Facebook page, and other social media sites for future promotional purposes. Please select no if you do NOT wish for pictures of you to be included.


    WCCCLC relies on the dedication of its volunteers to make it each year's camp happen. Please select no if you do NOT wish to be contacted about future volunteering opportunities with WCCCLC.

    Special Requests (We will try our best to accommodate your requests.)

    I have read the WCCCLC 2017 Privacy Policy (available on, and I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy. *

    I have read and accept the WCCCLC 2017 Harassment Policy (available on *

    Prove that you're not a bot 🙂

    Please fill out the Medical Waiver Form (and Minor Waiver form, if you are under 19 years of age) and return it with your registration and payment (cheque payable to "WCCCLC") to a Core Team member close to you or mail to us at the address listed on top of this form. Your space will only be guaranteed when the appropriate registration fee is received in FULL.